To live a harmonious life, you must abide by the laws of your country and the natural Laws of the Universe. If we transgress, there will be consequences. Like any country, the Universe is also governed by certain laws. We refer to these as Universal Laws or Laws of Nature, ‘whose content is set by nature and is therefore universal.
Java Leech
The Law of Gravity is an example of a Universal Law. The law of conservation of energy also states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another. However, unlike human laws, which can vary from country to country, Universal Laws are consistent and unchanging. You interact with these laws with every breath you take. They govern your existence.
Nothing about your life has been casual or accidental!
The Universal Laws seem to be mysterious. They have hidden truths. When you identify and utilize these hidden truths correctly, miracles or amazing results occur in your life. It may manifest as suddenly having money when you need it the most, reversing a life-threatening disease, or succeeding in a particular endeavor. No matter how incredible they might be, these miracles do not have unbelievable outcomes. They are natural outcomes based on the correct application of specific laws of nature. Unfortunately, some of the Universal Laws are not as clear-cut as they might seem. There are unnoticed subtleties to the Universal Laws, which, when understood and applied, can make all the difference between happiness and misery, prosperity and poverty, peace and conflict, ease and struggle.
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It’s easy to think that some people are born into affluence, and all good things happen to them. These people aren’t simply lucky; good things don’t just ‘happen’ to them. They’re just applying the Laws of the Universe more effectively, whether they know it or not. The laws are flawless; they work perfectly every time, all the time. If you seem to be doing all the right things, but your results are poor, consider the Laws of the Universe and how you apply them. This book will help you.
How many laws are there? Many.
These laws govern every aspect of our existence. The Universe’s supreme Law is the Law of Cause and Effect, also called karma or the parable of ‘reaping what you sow.’ For every effect, there is a cause; for every action, there is a reaction. Positive action equates to a positive result. The Law of Cause and Effect transcends time, space, or form.
It operates whether you are aware of it or not.
Every human thought, word, or deed is a cause that sets off a wave of energy throughout the Universe, resulting in desirable or undesirable effects. If there are unwanted effects, it simply means that thought, word, or deed caused a wave of undesirable energy at some time. As normal, fully functioning people, we are responsible for everything. The following excerpt illustrates this concept.
This is the suggestion a man gave his subconscious mind over about two years: “I would give my right arm to see my daughter cured.” It appeared that his daughter had a crippling form of arthritis together with a so-called incurable form of skin disease. Medical treatment had failed to alleviate the condition, and the father had an intense longing for his daughter’s healing and expressed his desire in words just quoted.
One day, the family was out for a drive. Their car was involved in a head-on collision. The father’s right arm was torn off at the shoulder. When he came home from the hospital, he discovered that his daughter’s arthritis and skin condition had vanished.
Everyone is subject to these natural Laws of the Universe, regardless of race, color, creed, or gender. The laws exert their influence without our consent or awareness. When we choose the behavior, we choose the consequences. Interestingly, the people who are frustrated in life consistently try to defy the natural laws. And, not surprisingly, successful people live in harmony with the natural Laws of the Universe.
Deepak Chopra, an authority in mind-body medicine, identified these issues in his bestselling book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, saying, ‘No debt in the Universe ever goes unpaid. There is a perfect accounting system in this Universe, and everything is a constant “to and fro” exchange of energy.
All of life is connected; what we do to others, we do to ourselves. According to karma, any negative or positive thought or action remains that way until it expends (uses up) its energy by acting upon the originator. The energy you create through your thoughts, words, and deeds – either negative or positive – will rebound and act on YOU. But, as it is the nature of energy to expand when it is put out into the world, you will, at some point, experience much more than you caused others to experience.
If you cause others to experience prosperity and well-being, it will come back to you, and you will experience it as well, often multiplied. In like manner, if you hurt someone, the energy will eventually return and cause you even greater hurt unless you make amends somehow.
Eighteenth-century German poet and philosopher Wolfgang Von Goethe wrote:
Nature understands no jesting; she is always true, always serious, always severe, always right, and the errors and faults are always those of man. She despises the man incapable of appreciating her, and only tothe apt, the pure, and the true does she resign herself and reveal her secrets. The Law of Cause and Effect is the IRON LAW of the Universe. It is unyielding. If you defy this law, there will be consequences – no ‘ifs, ands, or buts’ about it. It’s fascinating (and often tragic) to observe how many of us try to defy this law, especially when we pursue quick and easy gains. Usually, we strive for what we want by doing the exact opposite of what is in our best interest. This beautiful fable illustrates the mystifying and sometimes illusive nature of the Law of Cause and Effect.
The Secret to Creating Affluence
A young man went to the forest and said to his spiritual master, ‘I want unlimited wealth to help and heal the world. What is the secret to wealth?’ The spiritual master said, ‘There are two Goddesses that reside in the heart of every human being: the Goddess of WEALTH and the Goddess of KNOWLEDGE’. Although you love both, you must pursue one of them to the exclusion of the other. Pursue her, love her, and give her your attention. Understand that only the Goddess of Wealth can provide wealth, and you may pursue only one Goddess, not both.
‘But, here is the secret: If you pursue the Goddess of Wealth, she will be pleased with you because she loves to be chased. The more you pursue her, the more she will elude you. However, if you pursue the Goddess of KNOWLEDGE, the Goddess of WEALTH will become extremely jealous and pay more attention to you. The more you seek the Goddess of Knowledge, the more the Goddess of Wealth will seek you. She will never leave you. She will constantly shower you with material blessings to win your attention, and the wealth you desire will be yours forever.
The human tendency is to pursue the Goddess of Wealth, which seems logical. However, wealth is simply an effect; like any effect, it has a cause. In the fable, pursuing one Goddess gets you the best of both worlds; wealth comes from acquiring and proper application of knowledge. So, let’s be clear: your goals and dreams will manifest when you and the Laws of the Universe are in harmony!
It’s a scientific fact that the Universe operates in absolute harmony with IRREVOCABLE natural laws and principles that have NEVER varied throughout all time. These laws prevail regardless of whether we heed them or not. Individuals living in harmony with the Laws of the Universe will emerge victoriously. Bestselling author Bob Proctor summed it up perfectly when he said,
You live and work in a dynamic global marketplace that leaves little room for error. In the future, only those individuals whose beliefs are sound, in harmony with the laws of the Universe, and integrated with their behavior will emerge as real winners. This much we know with certainty: you have unlimited potential, and you can tap into and harness this potential by combining:
1. a deeper understanding of yourself (your power of attraction) with
2. specific efforts towards the desired outcome (your power of action).
In other words, you’ll experience the rewards (the Law of Receiving) when you truly understand that you have an immense, untapped ability, and you combine that understanding with deliberate application of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Action.