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How to Work With Different Types of News Feeds

Here are other options on the web for RSS feeds that are integrated within social networking sites. Facebook, for example, has its version with a news page that puts in all ks of information on what people in your circle of friends are doing online. This can be exploited to post links to your site, talk about your latest venture, and generally hog the limelight. So, while most people refer to RSS feeds when they talk about news feeds, there are other ways that term is used on different social networking sites.

The Info Blog

As we discussed earlier, the two ways of using RSS feeds are getting subscribers or using them to provide fresh content to your site. The first way involves an action that has to be taken by the person visiting your site. It isn’t automatic, so you have encouraged people visiting your site to subscribe. Since the mechanics of RSS feeds are still not well known by the average Internet user, you have to educate your visitors on how to get the latest content using your RSS feeds. The truth is that they may be using a news outlet like Yahoo! but do not even realize that the content is coming from an RSS feed. So, to get subscribers, you must first educate them on what’s available.

News Feeds


You don’t have to get too technical about it, but you want to give them a brief overview of why they want to become subscribers to your RSS feed. They can get updates more quickly and be notified when new content is up on the site. They can even set up email to receive it in a format that is easy for them to access. However, it would help if you educated them on how to do that; otherwise, they will take the least resistant path, ignoring your RSS feed.

Create Buttons:

There are several ways to make it easy for them to sign up. You can provide buttons for numerous news reader outlets, like Yahoo! Or Bloglines. You will have to get the URL for your news feed and use it to create a button that allows people familiar with these larger online news feeds to subscribe to your content. For that, you have to have the RSS feed module installed and have it available. Some places like WordPress automatically install RSS feeds, and you can use the address provided to create those subscriber buttons.

Offer A Targetedbie With Your Feed:

If you’re still having problems getting subscribers, try offering a small, targeted offer to get them to sign up. It can be a report of fantastic tips for saving or making money or a targeted video download. Try to make it something you can deliver instantaneously over the web with autoresponders. That makes this feature very easy. Of course, realize that they may sign up, get your product, and leave easily, too. So, you want to continue to provide content that will keep them interested and subscribed.

Package Your RSS feed:

If you have various websites and content and want to get the word out fast with minimal duplication, you want to package your own RSS feed and promote it with other website owners. You will want to split up your content by categories others may want to subscribe to. You wouldn’t put any recipes on a site you have and how to get hired on another site, even if they are both blog posts. You must be clear that whatever you package in the RSS feed is one topic or focal point of interest for specific news outlets. A way to do that is to separate the categories into feeds for the mainstream media, a feed for your customers, some potential customers, and even your competition. Or, you can split the feeds into discrete industries to market to specific news outlets.

Promote It To Various Outlets:

After you’ve packaged your feed, you want to ensure it is available for others. Whether that is by agreement to purchase the feed or whether you merely post it on website newsreaders, it’s up to you. You can submit your feeds to search engines and directories just like they were their pages. They are web pages, but they are in XML format, which needs the newsreader to decipher and read. Once you’re syndicated on various other sites, traffic will pour in non-stop as long as you keep providing the content.

Featured Aggregators:

People use aggregators to view RSS feeds. Some are programs you add to your browser or install on your desktop. Others are websites that allow you to set up an account and use them to read news feeds. You can even integrate some into your email to get RSS feeds through email format. It doesn’t matter what you use, but here are a few you can find online to check out.

This is a great way to see how easy it is to use an RSS reader through a website. Many people set up a page here and do not know they use an RSS reader because it’s not technical. You search for news categories available as RSS feeds and then choose to see them. They put in all the headlines in your various choices, and you can easily check multiple sites and headlines in the category you want.

This aggregator works with Microsoft Outlook. The Newsgator Online RSS feed is a software package that can be downloaded and used on your desktop. The Newsgator database claims over 1.5 million feeds are available. There is even a mobile version available for cell phones.

Yahoo Pipes:

This aggregator helps you compile RSS feeds from other RSS feeds. You can search for feeds, combine them any way you like, and even filter them, which is called a pipe. This pipe can then be outputted as another RSS feed that you can use to deliver fresh content to your readers. They have a list of hot pipes you can see and can put widgets on your website pointing to the pipes you create. You can even geocode the pipe and see it displayed on a map.

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