Initially, Internet abuse laws were drafted to protect internet users from fraud and other types of cybercrime. The FCC, or Federal Communications Commission, drafts and enforces rules and policies to protect internet users.
As the Internet gained popularity, the number of reported cyberbullying cases increased dramatically. When the first cases began to appear, there was little law enforcement officers could do to punish the offender or protect the victim.
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No charges were ever filed against the bullies who harassed Megan Meier. The mother and daughter who initiated the ruse created a fictitious MySpace profile for a young man. They convinced Megan that “Josh” liked her and wanted to be her boyfriend. After a few weeks, Megan was told that Josh no longer wanted to talk to her.
The constant barrage of negative comments and veiled threats pushed Megan over the edge. Two weeks short of her 14th birthday, committed suicide. The two perpetrators knew that Megan struggled with depression and took medication to control her condition.
Internet Abuse Laws
According to law enforcement officers who investigated the incident, whatever crime they committed, they could not be charged because no documented charge existed on the books that fit the description of what they had done. That eventually changed when the Cyberbullying Protection Law was drafted into legislation.
The Cyberbullying Protection Law made it a crime to harass, stalk, and bully another person over the Internet. Other pieces of legislation soon followed. Cyberstalking laws were drafted and enacted in every state of the union. Federal legislation was also enacted to protect internet users from being stalked and harassed. Special rules were also passed that were designed to protect minors specifically. Each state was responsible for drafting, approving, and enforcing its versions of the federal Internet laws.
Various Types of Internet Abuse
Internet abuse takes many forms. With the introduction of new forms of technology, the number of fraud and identity theft cases skyrocketed in a few short years. In addition to major financial crimes, the Internet created the perfect medium for the production and sale of child pornography, including the Internet, which, in public schools, teaches children how to navigate the World Wide Web.
As students became more proficient in the use of computers, bullies began to use the Internet to stalk and harass their victims. For a bully, the Internet was the perfect medium to operate. They could come and go as they pleased without leaving any physical evidence. The best part of them was that they could remain completely anonymous.
Internet Abuse Laws: Cyber Bullying
Internet abuse laws designed to deal with cyberbullying must be drafted in great detail to be effective. In Megan Meier’s case, the legislation came too late. However, the Foundation that bears Megan’s name continues to push for new and improved legislation that will hold cyberbullies accountable for their actions. Members of the Foundation have been advocates of change to ensure that with each law passed, no more victims will fall through the cracks. It is their goal that every victim has the guarantee that their bully will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Cyberbullying laws cover a variety of activities that are now considered to be illegal. The following activities are included in many pieces of legislation:
- Stalking using any communication device
- Sending threatening texts or emails over cell phones, texts, instant messaging, etc.
- Harassing an individual with repeated attempts at contact through phone calls or texts, emails, instant messaging, etc.
- Soliciting sexual favors
- Sending or receiving pornographic images of minors
- Interacting with a minor in a sexual manner using any device governed by the FCC
Cyberbullying has become one of the fastest-growing crimes in history. Before the Internet, a bully could only harass those close to their location. Now, with the Internet as a starting point, they can threaten, harass, and stalk individuals who are half a world away. There are few boundaries they can’t cross, and they can do it all from the security of their home.
Technically savvy individuals can hide their tracks fairly well, leaving few traces for investigators to follow. Those exceptionally skilled at hacking and programming can create shields and firewalls that are difficult to crack, even with the advanced systems law enforcement agencies have access to.
Internet Abuse Statistics
Statistics that detail how extensive cyberbullying is create an incredible picture of just how widespread the problem is. Internet stalking and harassment reports increase daily, and from the looks of the numbers, there is no end in sight.
- Over 80 percent of students think that cyberbullies choose to use the Internet because they can remain anonymous, and it is much easier for them to get away with the crime.
- Over two-thirds of the teens surveyed believe that cyberbullying is becoming a serious problem that needs to be investigated further.
- Over 40 percent of students admit to having been bullied at least once, and out of those numbers, at least 1 in 4 claims that it has happened more than once
- Statistics have proven that girls are targeted by ccyberbulliestwice as often as boys.
- The majority of girls who are stalked online are white
- Statistics state that a person who is bullied online is nine times more likely to contemplate suicide than individuals who aren’t bullied
- Statistics show that only 1 out of every ten children who are bullied online will report the incident to a parent, teacher, or another person in a position of authority.
- Cell phones are increasingly common among middle and high school students. It is estimated that almost 80 percent of students use a cell phone or other electronic device daily
- Statistics have shown that almost 90 percent of teens have seen or experienced bullying on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Internet abuse laws target individuals who attempt to use the Internet as their playground. Cyberbullying and Internet stalking have reached epidemic proportions, causing schools, libraries, and other public places to implement anti-bullying programs to raise awareness about the dangers of surfing the Internet without taking adequate precautions.
Anti-bullying programs attempt to teach both parents and children safe ways to navigate the Internet without becoming vulnerable to predators and cyberbullies who can hack into personal computers and other electronic devices. Programs designed to help students remain safe while surfing the web offer tips to the public to help them learn what types of online behavior are acceptable and what should be avoided.
Anti-virus programs are designed to prevent hackers from installing spyware and malware on computers. Hackers attach files to emails and websites so that the malicious software is downloaded directly to their laptop when someone opens the attachment or clicks on the website. These programs can take over the manual operations of a laptop’s camera or install keyloggers that track the user’s every move. This allows the hacker to retrieve passwords, codes, confidential banking information, and a variety of other types of private and personal information.