1. Introduction
Many businesses look for a web designer as though they were shopping for a general commodity item such as a light bulb—i.e., all websites are equal, and paying the 16-year-old student in a computer course to build the site will reap exactly the same dividend as paying a specialist web development agency. Other businesses often feel they have to spend thousands upon thousands of pounds on a website to succeed.
Let us dispel these myths.
Contrary to what many believe, web design is only one component in the production of your website. Some web designers can talk day and night about how pretty your website can be, but if it isn’t functional, user-friendly, or capable of helping you meet your online goals, then all the superficial beauty in the world will not help it serve its purpose. The design theme of a website is only one component of building a successful online presence.
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Choosing a Web Designer is not an easy task! – Here are some tips…
TIf you want to succeed, there is so much more to web design than just making a few pages look pretty. It would help if you considered the target audience, underlying message, content, desired responses, visitor impact, online goals, how you awill measure the site’s success, and more. There is so much more to web design than just making a few wages look pretty.
2. Defining Your Requirements
If you have no idea why you want a website or what you want the website to achieve, it is as well to sit down and think it through rather than rushing to put up a “White Elephant” that doesn’t serve a purpose. Every website must serve a purpose, and that’s usually where many websites fall short. They serve no purpose because the website owner never gave much thought to it. It’s not the website’s fault. A website is inanimate. It is only what you make it. The only life a website has is the one given to it by its designer and owner. If the human element doesn’t define the building blocks well, the website will serve no purpose and eventually die a digital death. Every website should have a distinct purpose. With that in mind, we’d suggest the first stage would be to define the “Goals” of the website about the requirements and aspirations of the business or organization involved.
Defining the Goal
Every website should have a distinct goal or number of measurable goals. A goal can be anything from communicating with friends and associates to making profits by selling products or services online (e-commerce). Your goal in the first instance may be to have a web presence so potential clients don’t regard your organization as backward! Once you have defined a goal (or several goals), it’s equally important to define:
- The target audience. i.e., Who you want/expect to visit your website.
- The actions you want to result from their visit. i.e., Making an online sale, getting them to make an inquiry, etc.
- What benefits yare yougiving and receiving from having the website.?Defining the Key Functions (The actions)
Once the website’s goals have been established, it’s important to define the actions required by site visitors to meet them. An action is any traceable sequence of events carried out by the end user.
Examples might include:
- Getting in touch – either by phone, email or via an online form.
- Disseminating Information.
- Signing up for a newsletter.
- Completing a questionnaire
- Commenting on a Blog
- Downloading or buying products
- Using an online tool
Of course, there are other intangible benefits that your website might provide to an end-user that don’t result in direct “actions.” For example, simply providing “peace of mind” to an existing or prospective customer would be considered such. If you haven’t already done so, it’s also useful to check out the competition for ideas, likes, and dislikes.
Establishing Your Design & Development Preferences
Once you have formulated the goals and functional requirements for the website, it’s time to start building a picture of how you anticipate the site coming together—about structure and design theme. This doesn’t need to be a definitive exercise—your web designer should be able to add a lot of input and suggestions later. Still, it helps to have some ideas to feed into the requirements you approach the designer with in the first instance.
As follows are a few that we feel should be mandatory:
- The website should adhere to recognized standards. The site should be written to conform to and validate the standards defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – this will, in turn, mean your site should be cross-browser friendly (i.e., Appear the same across various types of web browsers).
- The website should be accessible, which in web terms means that it conforms to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
- The website should be clean, crisp, and fast-loading
- The website should be easy to use and inoffensive (see below).
Our Tip: Easy to use and Inoffensive – The WOW factor
Webbies often get asked to produce a website with the “WOW factor”. The “WOW Factor” is a term that means different things to different people. The person or business commissioning the website often has grandiose plans for extensive animation, splash screens, cartoons, garish designs… This isn’t the WOW factor – A bold, garish design with “off the wall” color schemes may seem bold and innovative to some people but may rut off other site users – Find the happy medium.
If a person wants to buy a pair of shoes online, their mission is to find the desirable pair of shoes at the right price in the quickest possible time. They don’t visit an e-commerce site to watch an animation of shoes tap dancing across the screen. Leave cartoons and needless animation that add zero value to those experts in their field. People watch the Simpsons for that type of entertainment. They likely won’t be visiting your website for (or be impressed by) to be “dazzled” by irrelevant attempts to stand out.
Our interpretation of the “WOW factor” is that it is a very simple site, clean, crisp, user-friendly, fast-loading, and has great content. The site, which delivers its underlying message quickly and concisely, is the most effective. Google has the WOW Factor, and you don’t see slow-loading animation on that website. The WOW factor should mean Winning on the Web and nothing else. Ok, so you’ve mapped out some goals and requirements. It’s time to start looking for the right guys to go ahead and implement the solution for you.
3. Selecting a Web Designer / Developer
Initially, the best place to begin is compiling a shortlist of designers. You may choose to do this in any number of ways, but here are some suggestions that you may wish to factor in:
- The location of the prospective designer. This may or may not be a factor for you. Some people are happy to work remotely, while others prefer face-to-face interaction. If the latter is essential to you, tou will need to focus on designers in your local area.
- The designer’s portfolio is usually a key factor in any shortlisting process. You may choose to favor designers who have worked specifically in the sector you are targeting or simply like other unrelated websites they have developed.
- Independent Word of mouth recommendation. You may have received glowing reports on particular designers and their after-sales service. Don’t overlook this.
- The size of the company. Generally speaking, the company’s size gives you little idea of the quality of work they can produce or the services they can provide. Some SMEs prefer to work more personally with smaller providers or freelance designers, while larger corporates prefer the opposite.
- The cost—Most professional web designers tend to produce work on a bespoke basis, tailored uniquely for each client, and the vast majority do not publish prices. (We do.) However, an initial discussion should be able to provide you with a “ballpark” figure, at least based on your requirements outline. Some designers are also able to provide cost-effective “out-of-the-box” solutions at a fixed price.
Tip: Get a fixed price quote rather than an hourly rate. Let’s face it: An hourly or daily rate is meaningless as a measuring stick when you consider that it may take one designer twice as long as another to complete the same job.
Web designers will typically showcase previous work on their websites, but be sure to consider that they are gearing a site’s design and structure to requirements presented by another party that likely won’t match your own. It’s more important that you are confident they can implement your solution than perhaps reading too much into other design work you might not like.
Another consideration is the attitude a designer shows when you first make contact. You can often gauge whether they are genuinely interested in the project,d whether they will be proactive, and whether they can offer a high level of support. Designers who do not provide a landline phone number or a business address may be harder to contact when you need them the most. Trust your instincts and exercise common sense.
Tip: Don’t base everything on price,e and make sure you compare “like” with “like.”. Also, don’t be afraid to share your budget with the designers during initial discussions and then see what they can deliver within it. Time is often wasted if you discuss the project over days or weeks, and then you end up being miles apart in terms of pricing expectations.
The more information you fhe designer wit, relating to your goals, requirement,s and design preferences, the better. Also, make sure that you discuss timescales and payment schedules (most designers will ask for a deposit upfront and a final balance payment when the project is completed. There may also be interim payment milestones for larger projects). Additionally, enquire about any recurring charges for support, future amendments, web hosting, domains, etc. Neither party will want hidden surprises.
4. Questions You will be Asked
It’s always better to be prepared when you approach web designers... they will also have their queries to establish the requirements, gauge the work involved, and furnish you with a quote.
Typical questions you might be asked include the following:
- What does your company do?
- What are the Unique Selling Points that your company has to offer?
- What is the purpose of the website?
- How do you see the website evolving in the future?
- Do you have any existing branding? i.e., Logo, color schemes, or other marketing materials?
- Who are your competitors?
- Do you require e-commerce or an online payment mechanism?
- Can you provide links to other websites thu like from a design perspective?
- Can you provide links to other websites you like from a functionality perspective? (i.e., How they work)
- What is your budget? Don’t be afraid to disclose a budget figure – it can greatly help
If you can’t get an immediate quote, request that the designer get back to you and establish a timescale for this. As you can probably tell, choosing a web designer isn’t necessarily a straightforward process if you are seeking the right fit for your project. The more detailed research and preparation that you carry out, the better.
5. Going ahead
When you decide to proceed with a designer, get the quote in writing and ensure that the website’s copyright is yours once it is completed. Ensure all charges (including any futureandr recurring charges) are spelled out to avoid ambiguity and problems further down the line.